Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Recon Mission

Knob pond area.

The cliff band

15 minute walk into the pond and another 10 to get to the cliff band and into the blocks below.
Looks like there is pretty good potential.

Another shot of another cliff on the way in.

I'm hoping to make a run in sometime soon.

Still a few more jems


This lovely line needs a send. Strong folks have been repelled.
The rock behind kinda ruins some of the joy.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

This is where you are headed next time you go....


Really Great line.

I couldn't do all the moves but crazy fun to try. Steep, Powerful and all there.
4 moves to the top, about 12 feet of climbing. 

Fell halfway up and did not try again. 

Gull Pond.
Felt hard but it will go.
Great Problem. 

Super fun problem. Great holds.
Very pretty place.
Room for more lines on this.
 Really good. 
Good Slab
Couldnt find a line on the steep side. 
This will be fun.

There is a lot of rock around. Everything I played on was under the cliff except the big slab.
Short hike in and seems like there is plenty to keep busy with for a day. Problems are very good and the rock is great.
I will spending some time here.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dacy Clearing Boulders

The gate is open so you drive in to the Dacy parking lot saving a mile. A twenty min hike to some really nice problems.
Bring some big pads.


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