Sunday, August 11, 2013



Anonymous said...

yeah that's just where I'm at.

Anonymous said...

and he didn't even start on the actual starting holds. Come on Strazza, earn those Buzzy Bars! Start with those hands matched on the halfmoon crimps out right, then roll out to the left hand crimp, don;t cheat yourself dude!

Anonymous said...

if after all these years you could just stick that sloper

Anonymous said...

yep, it's hard to believe that I actually fell on an easy boulder problem but it happened. The world stopped spinning, kippy got skinny, jut climbed without pain, and the kid ate something besides fruit or actually he just ate...

SouthernADK said...

I can't speak for Kippy or the kid, but I am finally climbing without the lingering back pain and i've got to be honest, it feels AWESOME! Can't wait for a big climbing session with the crew!!! Strazza, don't let that fall get you down, you still looked really cool trying the dyno, that's all that matters!

Anonymous said...

"IF" he could have stuck that hold