Sunday, October 26, 2008

Brant Lake Area

I have heard rumors of bouldering in the brant lake area. Spent the day up there driving around and looking for signs of boulders. there is some super good looking boulders on the west side of the lake but they are on private land. Like in some ones yard!! So another weekend of wasted gas.
Did hear of some peeps checking out a new area off from exit 29. Will keep you posted.


kdm07 said...

new boudlers at nine and some in fort plain

adk boulderer said...

whats the skinny on the new rock??

Anonymous said...

Ive got a camp on brant and have seen some boulders. Have you noticed the cliffs on the northwest side of the lake? They look promising.

WeekendBouldering said...

there is bouldering at brant lake. and its good. real good.