Saturday, October 18, 2008

Potash Boulder

Head up to potash boulder to do an extensive look around. I hiked up to the top of Potash (very steep over grown ruble) and did in fact find another good size boulder. The potential is limited as it looks as though there would be 3 - 7 lines but on 2 or 3 would be of good quality. Good face climbing on vertical to slightly overhanging on mostly good size edges. There is another boulder behind it that looks like it could have one hard steep problem. This is a roof and squeeze style out the underside.  When I have time i will get the pics off my phone and post them up.  
Also drove past crane mt by Garnet lake on Garnet Lake rd. I stayed on GL rd to circle back to Johnsburg via rt 8 and the back down S johnsburg rd. There are some cliff bands and some boulders in the woods but they appear to be on private land and with hunters every 10 feet i thought it best to keep in the car. As Garnet Lake rd winds up the mt. there are a few boulders to be seen in the woods on private land.  

1 comment:

JHaas said...

Down time has you doing a bunch of driving and scoping! I have a few zones that I'd like to visit within the next month:
Johnson Pond/Ensign Pond Boulders-they're mentioned at adkclimbs and adkforum, and Jim and I have the directions to Johnson at our site (adirondackrock). I believe that Todd P can get us directions to Ensign Pond. Both are close to one another, close to the road, and close to exit 29.
I've got more ideas but this one seems like a good start. How about Friday after work?